An Introduction to the Kalman Filter

Kalman Filters are a form of predictor-corrector used extensively in control systems engineering for estimating unmeasured states of a process. The estimated states may then be used as part of a strategy for control law design.

This tutorial discusses the original Kalman Filter formulation which was developed for linear discrete-time processes (or at least processes that may be modeled with sufficient accuracy as a linear discrete-time process). Other tutorials discuss non-linear forms of the Kalman Filter -- the Extended Kalman Filter and the Unscented Kalman Filter -- and a continuous time formulation -- the Kalman-Bucy Filter.

Linear discrete-time process with input and measurement noise.

Figure 1: Linear discrete-time process with input and measurement noise.

Consider the linear discrete-time process shown in Figure 1 which may be written in the standard state-space form,

Equations for a linear discrete-time process with input and measurement noise.


Given the inputs, measured outputs and assumptions on the process and output noise, the purpose of the Kalman Filter is to estimate unmeasured states (assuming they are observable) and the actual process outputs. This is shown in Figure 2 where the estimated states are Math character x_hat_sub_k , and Math character y_hat_sub_k are the estimated measured outputs.

Input-output of the Kalman Filter.

Figure 2: Input-output of the Kalman Filter.

The Kalman filter uses a 2 step predictor-corrector algorithm. The first step involves projecting both the most recent state estimate and an estimate of the error covariance (from the previous time period) forwards in time to compute a predicted (or a-priori) estimate of the states at the current time. The second step involves correcting the predicted state estimate calculated in the first step by incorporating the most recent process measurement to generate an updated (or a-posteriori) state estimate.

Mathematically, the predictor step is given by,

Equations for Kalman filter prediction step.

And the corrector step is given by,

Equations for Kalman filter corrector step.

In the above equations Pk is an estimate of the covariance of the measurement error and Kk is called the Kalman gain. After both the prediction and correction steps have been performed then Math character x_hat_sub_k is the current estimate of the states and Math character y_hat_sub_k can be calculated directly from it. Both Math character x_hat_sub_k and Pk are stored and used in the predictor step of the next time period.

A simple example demonstrating how to implement a Kalman filter in Simulink can be found here.

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